Thursday, April 06, 2006

Can you?

Can you kiss me again like that?
Wild, like you've only been kissed once,
and it's been all you could think about for years
being deprived of wet kisses.

Can you kiss me again like that?
With your hands around my face,
and your thumb on my lip,
like you not only want to feel it with your lips,
but your fingers too.

Can you kiss me again like that?
Slow and passionate and yet at the same time
hard and exotic, like you are kissing me
with your entire body.

Can you kiss me again like that?
When tongue and teeth do all the right things,
and it's not just kisses with your lips,
as if your body takes on a life of it's own
and it's language of choice is that.

Can you kiss me again like that?
like you will be the last man I ever kiss
and each time is something new and different
and making me want to come back for more.

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